May has arrived and that means it's time for the measuring moments, another great opportunity for everyone to quantify your fitness and/or compare it with the past…
Tuesday 9 May is the Green Festival, but of course you have a good one for that (green) bottom required. After the drying training we therefore have a nice dinner together in the Freetown…
Hello dear tasty bears, I've been hearing your stomachs rumble and rumble for a while now, especially when no meal is provided by the KokkerELS after the drying training. After lady and the…
Friday 21 April is the Skeelerclinic, so you don't have inline skates but do you want to try this one? Then this is your chance! Sign up below and put…
Hereby the latest information from the NSSK Football 15 April. We will be at DVV Delft, Kerkpolderweg 12, 2625 EB Delft about 13:00 start playing football, make sure you have it with you…
Tuesday 4 April it's that time again! After the drying training we will have a nice dinner together in the Freetown Kitchen at X. The KokkerELS will be a delicious (special) prepare a vegetarian meal,…
Are you homesick for gym class?? On Monday 3 April, ELS is welcome at Pegasus to come and do gymnastics during their training at X. We can do most gymnastics parts here…
Yes, after-skate party!! Saturday 1 April will be skating season, and lustrum year of KNSB region of South Holland, concluded with a big party at the Uithof. The evening turns into a party…