ELS stands for "Effe Lekker Schaatsen" and is the student skating association of the Technical University in Delft. ELS is a young association. In 1999 Brechje Vermaat took the initiative to found ELS. Together with a number of other students, she has ensured that ELS has managed to grow into a very active association with approximately 200 members. These members are all active in one or more skating-related sports.
Ice skating
Everyone can be part of ELS! Whether you are a beginner or skated on Friesche doorlopers on the the Dutch canals and lakes since the age of five. Our own trainers adapt the lessons to your level. From October to April we skate at De Uithof in The Hague. On Wednesdays and Fridays we train here in four different groups, each with it's own level, to make sure everyone can participate. On Mondays there is an extra training at a special KNSB hour, for anyone who wants to do extra training. Throughout the season there are many competitions where you can compete with the rest of the Dutch students. For example, there are IUTs (Inter University Tournament), NSK’s (Dutch Student Championships) and occasionally long track races and marathons on the ice rink in The Hague.
In addition to the ice skaing, ELS is also a very social student association. For example, every other week on Thursday there are always nice drinks in Café de Ruif, we have a super cool Get-To-Know-Eachother-Weekend and two trips abroad every year. In the summer we are still active and we go cycling for a weekend in South Limburg and participate in the Batavierenrace with a team.. We also always like to have a party, both in Delft and at our sister associations. Where our house band, de BeatELS, often performs.

During the summer ELS participates in cycling. This is the best way to maintain your strength and fitness for the next season. From April to September we have a cycling training every Thursday. This is often an interval- or technique training, so you are well prepared for the skating season. One every other week there is a ZoMoDuRo, this is an endurance round on Sunday of approx 100 km with coffee stop (important!) .. Furthermore, we meet each other to cycle around together.
In addition, ELS organizes the cycling weekend WheELS every year during the weekend of Ascension day. Then we will cycle and party in South Limburg for four days together with our sister association Softijs from Utrecht.
Train your technique, fitness and strength!
There are also possibilities to train your technique, increase fitness and strength. Every Tuesday ELS organizes a drying training for the PSOR café at Civil Engineering. During this training, there will be, under the guidance of a trainer, skate specific exercises to increase stability and power for even better performance on the ice.
Roller skating
From April to September we have access to the skating rink in Nootdorp on Friday. That is a perfect location to keep the skating feeling in the summer. In September ELS will participate in the 24Kika, which is a 24 hour skate relay.
More information?
Would you like more information about training times and locations? Then have a look at the heading summer training of winter training. Do you want to speak to us or do you have any questions? Then contact the secretary of ELS (secretaris@dssvels.com).