Club of 100

The Club of 100 is a prestigious club of (old-) ELS members and therefore consists solely of prominent ELS bosses. The Club of 100 is very exclusive, you can only be asked for it by members of the Sponsoring Committee, and only when the Sponsorship Committee decides unanimously. It asked for the Club of 100 is of course a very great honor and this honor belongs only to those who have a warm heart for ELS and have also shown this in their long-term membership.

Coen Stellinga

Iedereen die een borrel van ELS heeft meegemaakt heeft wel een praatje met Coen Stellinga gemaakt. Tot in de late uurtjes is hij terug te vinden om de jongere leden onder het genot van een biertje eens van goed levensadvies te voorzien. Ook is Coen te vinden bij veel trainingen, om zo goed mogelijk aan de start te staan van de vele marathons die hij rijdt als lid van de BikkELS. Ken je hem nou nog niet? Dan kan je op je verjaardag nog wel eens een leuke felicitatie verwachten!

Sjors Blom

Als commissaris van het 22e bestuur beter bekend onder de leden als “Sea”. Naast bestuur heeft hij natuurlijk ook hard bijgedragen aan ELS door zich hard in te zetten bij verschillende commissies zoals de KokkerELS, HtmELS, Competition committee, AirmELS en de IncredibELS, daarnaast hielp hij mee met het organiseren van een (gecanceld) skeeler onderdeel op het GNSK en een legendarisch Groenfeest.

Daniel Eiclesboom

Judith Termote

Maurice Rijs

Milan Vermeulen

Milan Vermeulen, Commissaris Trainingen van het 20e bestuur van ELS, maar misschien beter bekend als trotse huisanalist van ELS. Voor vakkundige data-analyse en goede presentatie hiervan moet je bij Milan zijn. Daarnaast is Milan natuurlijk bekend van Milan’s duurronde waarbij hij bijna elk weekend klaar stond om als wegkapitein mensen langs een systematisch uitgestipte route te leiden. Deze systematische route’s worden tot de dag van vandaag ook nog steeds voor WheELS gebruikt.

Remco Boere

The site you are on now could not have existed without Remco Boere. As a member of the htmELS, he contributed a lot to the new site and even built the routes plug-in from scratch. In addition, he was of course treasurer of the 21st board of ELS and a real math whiz. To be sure if the new treasurer was too, Remco always asked the same question to the candidate treasurer at the AGM. “How many points are there on a die?”

Bart Hulst

Ruwiel Team

Celine Marsman

Vincent van der Wal

Jeroen van Uitert

Casper Vertregt

Wouter Tel

Anne van der Meer

Else Dekker

Jelmer Kraaijeveld

Ties Christmas Makers

Frank Hogervorst

Wikke Alphenaar

Jan-Willem Broos

Eline Stubert

Harm Cnossen

Bernhard Westerhof

Jump, the sponsorship committee got the 100 flaps from Bernhard - aka Benno, or Bernadt a hand in cash, because that's how Benno works. All talk. although, he could talk as the best chairman of the seventeenth board of ELS. Also the AirmELS, of her, by SPIEDredactie, the anniversary committee, the sponsorship committee, the HtmELS and the OrakELS have been able to count on Benno's efforts for years. Unnoticed? Certainly not. Because if Benno was somewhere, then you had
that through. Parties, activities, workouts, to travel; Benno was present with his unbridled energy and enthusiasm. He is now a phenomenon, and it's not just because of the unparalleled way he was able to consume a Schultie.

Mirjam Post

The experience Mirjam gained in education came in handy during the seventeenth board of ELS, because as secretary of this board she was able to keep her adolescent fellow board members in line! In addition, Mirjam was the first secretary in the history of ELS to consistently finish the minutes before the deadline. An exceptional performance in addition to attending all parties, competitions and activities that ELS offers. In addition to Proteus, ELS really opened up the student world for Mirjam and she actively worked for ELS until the end of her studies..

Janbert Aarnink

The example for the slow students among us. As an ELSer, he is perhaps best known as the Chairman of the Tenth Board, or that kid who's in the winter of 2016 another 39er has driven. But Janbert especially excelled in his student days. An MBA in Rotterdam, an internship in the Middle East, exchange student in Korea, the Trans-Siberian Express and also a job in America, Janbert did it all during his college days. In addition, ELS has always had a warm place in Bertjes heart during all his adventures. It is therefore only logical that he is on this list!

Robert de Boer

Bob is one of the few ELSers with football talent, Bob is the reason that ELS is the NSSK Football Cup (almost) can always bring it with you to Delft. Bob is known within ELS as a calm person, but very nice guy. He is also the competition secretary of the 12e been a board member and member of the competition committee and the sponsor committee!

Jules Markenhof

Jules is the first non-former director to make it to the Club van 100 has kicked. And if someone may receive this honor in part, then it is Jules. Jules has elevated ELScaling to an art, he will never hesitate to let a cheesy drink come out of the sauce, to turn things upside down and stir people up to get out of their place. He has also been a trainer and was a member of the Party-AnimELS, of AirmELS, the Application Committee and the most important committee, the Sponsorship Committee. Furthermore, Jules knew everything about "You know?!’.

Laura Bogers

For the sponsor committee it was difficult to find out what Laura did for ELS, her boardmate Steven replied "Freaking everything". What we are sure about is that she is secretary of it 11e board and the ELA, of AirmELS, the Gossip and the anniversary committee has done. But besides all these merits, Laura was also the cheerful smile of ELS for many years!

Tjerk Bakker

Unfortunately for the other members of the Club van 100 there is nothing more to be gained at the Club van 100 since Tjerk (also known as Tjibbe) is a member. Tjerk is known for having the exclusive right to win. For example, he won all training sessions at ELS, just like he won WheELS every year. Besides winning just about everything there was to win, Tjerk did even more for the association. Thus he was treasurer of it 10e board and did committees such as the ELA and the Promo.

Jelle Wijnja

for 12-02-2015

We know Jelle Wijnja within ELS as a very friendly person, smiley person, where you can always have a chat with. However, Jelle is more than "just" a pleasant appearance for ELS, Jelle was chairman of the 12e board. With the 12e board he founded the SKiKa, which he himself has been in, the SKiKa organizes a skating event for primary schools and thus supports the fight against childhood cancer. In addition, Jelle also has in the AirmELS, sat the ELA and the Sponsor Committee.

Arnoud Haffmans

for 07-01-2015

Arnoud Haffmans is a highly valued member, who has done a lot for ELS. This is how this "executioner of Baarlo" has been a trainer, but is also a good skater and skater himself, the one alone 24 hour goes on and then almost 500 km. In addition to supporting many committees during his time at ELS, he was also a director. In 2005-2006 he was the competition secretary of the 7e board.

Peter de Vries

for 11-11-2014

Peter de Vries has not only developed as a good skater within ELS, who has won the fastest man cup for several years, but also as a respected and enthusiastic driver. He has supported and in many committees over the years 2009-2010 he was chairman of the 11e board. Partly due to his witty humor and his passion for skating, he has been of great value to ELS.