8 September you can compete again at the Summer Club Championship 2018. The time to intimidate the competition for the winter or to put the extra holiday weight…
ELS is nothing without its commissions! That is why the committee members are thanked again this year for a great year and everything we have achieved together. To celebrate…
The summer holidays are flying by again and so it's almost time for the OWee. Of course the nicest skating association in Delft can also be found here! Below you will find an overview:…
Also so excited to pick up beautiful memories of the first WheELS at the new location? Does that look nice, because next friday 19:00 is de After WheELS…
*INCLUDE IN THE COMMENTS IF YOU WANT TO HELP WITH COOKING, IS MEGA FUN!* Tuesday 12 June is already the last time this academic year that we will eat at the…
Friday 8 June our association will be another year older, she will already become 19 year! We will definitely celebrate this by going survival! Survival is English for survival.…
Temperatures are rising, the year is coming to an end and that means it's time again for our annual pick-less nick on campus! The RoddELS knows how busy it is…
In almost two weeks it's time: WingELS 2018! Sunday 27 May we go rollerblading again for Friends of Reinier to raise money for the children's cancer department of…
That skaters can also play football will be Saturday 19 May turn out again during the NSSK football 2018! ELS wins year after year and also this year we want to enter the cup…