Olympic champion
It may have taken a while, but it's back again. This winter, ELS will be traveling abroad again. In the winter of 2022 goes ELS to (drum roll….) BasELSga (Baselga, Italy) travel to go skating on one of the most beautiful ice rinks for a week, ski down the slopes and party together. In case you missed the cool video during the WBBB or do you want to watch it again, see the video below.
Travel date and schedule
The trip takes place during the TU holiday, so from 28 January to 6 February. We leave Friday evening 28 January from Delft at Saturday de 29 January to arrive in Baselga. We travel by bus so that the traveler can start the holiday rested. Saturday 5 February we will go back north again, so you can stay late Saturday night or Sunday morning 6 February back home. So plenty of time to do your laundry and recover so you can go to college fresh and fruity the next day.
The exact departure times will follow at a later stage, just like the boarding locations.
During the trip we stay in separate bungalows at the campsite. The bungalows are for 3, 4 and 5 people. The ice rink is about a fifteen minute walk from the location. The food is provided for us there, and according to our sources it is to feast.
Cost and Payment
Costs for this already epic journey have been estimated at €500,- pp. This includes unforeseen costs, so there is a chance that the amount will be lower afterwards. Pay attention, the chance is present, so we can't guarantee this. Especially due to the current situation regarding corona, there could also be additional unforeseen costs. But we will come back to this later on this page. As usual you pay for a total package: the transport up and down, your accommodation on site, eat Drink (including alcoholic refreshments) and skating are included in the price.
There will also be opportunities for undertaking activities outside the ice, these are outside the budget and you have to pay separately. Of course the costs are kept as limited as possible. Skiing and a mini city break are currently being researched, if you have more suggestions you can always contact the committee.
Because ELS have to advance different things, there will be a deposit of €250 to €300 ,- requested. This will be at the end of December, after the payment of the student grant, debited from your account. So keep that in mind.
Corona poses a risk, what to take into account during the trip. Of course, ELS tries to keep the risks and consequences as small as possible, but we can't do this alone. For this we also need the help of the traveler. Guidelines will apply to the traveler to make it an epic journey. These guidelines will be announced a few weeks before departure. We expect that the 2G rule has been implemented in Italy during our trip. That is why we advise you not to register, if you can't meet this rule. If you have registered and are unable to participate due to the 2G rule, then the costs are for your own account.
In addition to the guidelines during the trip, it is possible that the infection rate will become too high in the region we are going to. If this becomes too high, the trip will be canceled. Late December an estimate will be made whether the winter trip could go on or not. If the decision is made to continue the trip, is there still a chance that the trip will not take place after all. If the trip has to be canceled, then cancellation costs will be calculated at the time of cancellation. Starting from 25 Attendees, In case of cancellation at the end of December, the cancellation costs will be €50,- p.p. Hatch. If the trip is canceled later, the costs will be in worst case (read: sausage cheese) screenplay at €110,- p.p. Hatch. If there were more people than 25 If you want to join a man, the cancellation costs will be lower.
Plan B
If the winter trip abroad is canceled, then we'll have another WPBBBB (Winter BreakPlanBDestinationAnnouncementBorrELS) organize. After that, everyone can indicate whether or not they want to go to a destination in the Netherlands.
Subscribe and Unsubscribe
Registration is open from 19 november 12 hours to 26 november 12 hour. The maximum number of participants is now 35 people. To register you need to log in with an ELS account. Registration is on a dibs basis.
As usual, registration is going fast. Are you late? To compress, But please sign up on the reserve list if you do want to come. If someone unsubscribes, a spot will become available. In addition, there is a chance that more participants can join. So sign up!
From the moment you have registered you have a week to unsubscribe. If you want to unsubscribe after more than a week, then that is only possible if there is someone who can come in your place. We are not going to lower the number of participants. If no one can come in your place, you will unfortunately have to pay for all costs that are made for you (think especially about accommodation and transport).
should you have any questions, please speak to someone from the AirmELS or send an email to airmels@dssvels.com.