The season is almost over again (and, It's going so fast) And while some are already watching their skates again, At least one very important competition must be driven: The Els Winterck!
On 9 March from 18:00 until 22:00 Can you make a final PR attempt on our own home job, but even more important, make a shot at the title Els-Winter Champion.
Just like last year, the men and women drive in 3 category; A,B & C. So for every chance of prizes! From A & Bs can fight it out on the 500m & 1500m an c's on the 500m & 1000m.
You can register from Monday 17 februari t/m 3 March.
Everyone can drive Het Winterck, Even if you have no competition experience. If you have lost your skates and do not want to drive. You can also get the gdonkeyenjoy as a volunteer, Send the WS (Reinout) then especially an app.
What: ELS WinterCK!
When: 9 March 18:00-22:00
True: The hague, De Uithof
How: All Elsers can participate regardless of level or experience!
costs: Absolutely free!
Register: from 17 februari t/m 3 March.