This page is for ELSers who are going to perform/shine enormously at the NSK distances in Groningen
On the weekend of 1 & 2 The NSK distances will take place in distant Groningen in December. To prevent your dear ELSers from sleeping on the street, or with a TJASser, Softijs and ELS have joined forces and arranged an overnight stay for you. In the scouting building of De Jutters we can close our eyes after the party on Saturday so that we can perform optimally on Sunday. We share the building with Softijs, and since they are not going on a foreign trip with us this year, this is the chance to see or get to know your Utrecht girlfriends! Please register below if you would like to sleep together with ELS and Softijs. Of course, you are not yet sure whether you are allowed to drive, so if it turns out that you are not allowed to drive, then you can unsubscribe when the start list is announced.
If you don't participate in skating at the NSK, but would like to party and encourage ELSers, Then you can of course also sign up for a place to sleep. Competitive drivers do have priority, but if there are spots left, ELS fans are of course very welcome!
The overnight stay including breakfast will cost you less than €12.
There can 18 ELSers along, but please put yourself on the reserve list if you are late. There may still be cancellations and the exact number of Softijs spots is not yet known.