On Thursday 1 April Softijs and ELS organize the first IUT drink ever, and all student skaters are invited for that! Because now that no skating competitions can be organized, there must of course be a different way of measuring who is the fastest and best. We do this during the IUT drink in teams of 4 play different games.

For this IUT you register either as a duo or individually . You will then be assigned to another duo on the evening itself, of 3 other people. That's how you're in a team of 4 with whom you then compete together to ultimately emerge as the winner. So super cozy, and a fun way to get to know other SSV members!

You can register below, please mention your association in the comment. For duos: Put both names in one entry, then we see that you belong together as a duo. From registration closes Tuesday 30 march at 18:00. The zoom link for the IUT drink is: https://zoom.us/j/96661825121?pwd=VEM0WEpEVU8xQ0ROR05NN3p3WjNPQT09 and will also Thursday 1 April during the course of the day via your association.

In brief:
What: SoftELS drink IUT
When: Thursday 1 April, 20:00 walk in, start 20:15 – about 22:00
For whom: All members of student skating associations
So? Register of course!


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